My parents are out for the weekend, which means I am actually required to leave the confines of "town" and go to pretty places. The weather has cooperated wonderfully, and since my dad stole a fuel line clamp from the landlord's Jeep Willy, my car is running again. We headed off to Horseman's Point on the East side of the island, which is a nice little hike through the woods terminating at a popple stone beach with terrific ledges and a monumentally nice view of Mount Desert Island.
Taken out of the extended family context, we are a tiny family, just myself and my parents. As a trio, our conversation sometimes stalls: at restaurants it can be painful, but when outside, it is fine because being quiet together works. Once at the Point, we bounced around like mellow molecules- coming together, fanning apart- one combing for beach glass, one examining rocks, one taking pictures. My particular beach niche is looking for sea glass. Horseman's Point is a poor place to find it- the selection is mainly well-worn shards of green glass that would be measured in fractions of a carat. Earlier on, I had found a lovely arboreal looking piece of dry sponge, and in the glowing light of the October afternoon, it was clear that the most entertaining thing I could do would be to stud the sponge with the sea glass. And then take photos of it.
Yes Gentle Reader, that is what I did with my time. I followed the impulse, without a single thought to how it would look: that it might make me an object of scorn, of ridicule; that my parents might disown me for such an unsavoury predilection. Not only did I fearlessly brush aside potential social ostracism, I also braved the relentless attacks of mosquitoes and deer flies. A woman of vision and determination, that's me...
And now, because of my artistic- let's just say it- valor, my car has a shining dashboard ornament.
At last, it is a proper Volkswagon, with some proper Volksart.
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